Monday, January 10, 2011

6 Big Months

Our big boy turned 6 months on December 29Th, time goes by so fast.
I was brought to tears remembering all of my kids at this same stage, half way through the 1 year mark.
Tend to forget that Julia and Josh were this little once, they just look so grown up to me. I am glad to have these pictures to remind us how little and fragile they were and admire how much they have grown.
So Can you guess who is who in this picture? Hint they are in chronological order
Andrew at 6 months:

Height 26 inches
Weight 18 lbs
Can do:
-Roll from back to tummy and from tummy to back
-Hold his own bottles.
-Stand with help
-Say mama (although I don’t think is intentionally)
-sleep through the night from 10 pm until 9 am
-Play with toys
Can’t do:
-sit up without help
-Fall asleep without a bottle (He just has to have it)
Favorite toys:

-Soft toys, specially his squeaky book
-musical puppy
-his bounce-a-roo
Loves to do:

-Play with Julia and Josh. He enjoys seeing them and would always smile when they are around
-Smile. There is not one morning that I pick him up from his crib that he is not smiling at me
-Play with his toes. He’s figure it out how to reach them and although sometimes he pulls
them too hard and hurts himself, he loves tickling himself
-Roll free on the floor.
-Reach for things he shouldn’t (so young)
-Get his baths. He loves to splash mommy with water and make a big mess with the water.
-Make bubbles with his mouth when he is really happy
-Stick his tongue out when he wants to play
Big First:

After my fail attempts of starting Andrew on Rice Cereal, he finally had his first solid food on January 1st, that’s the way to start the New Year. He had peas and he loved them that day. He wanted nothing to do with solid foods for the next couple of days. The poor boy has been really sick since Christmas and is been really though on his appetite.

1 comment:

Brooke Smith said...

I cannot believe how fast time has gone! 6 months already? I thought Keldrie was still 6 months old! I love to see Julia and Josh with Andrew, as well as Katelynn with her big brothers. There is something so special with the siblings and with the cousins. SO CUTE! Here's hoping the second half of his first year goes slower than the first!