This post is way over due; I mean he turned 18 months back in December. Oh well, someday when life gets a little bit less crazy I’ll be able to post these things faster.
At 18 months:
He can say mame, daddy, osh(josh) Ula(Julia), ud(food), play, go, more, milk, ippy(zippy), car, ball, chu chu (yet another train aficionado), bye, hi, anma(grandma, cold, nose, pupu, iaper(diaper), teeth( when is time to brush his teeth) and prayer.
He also loves to reprehend the cat. I been meaning to take a picture of this for the longest time but it happens so fast that by the time I have to get the camera he is done with his speech and finger pointing to poor Dasher.
Andrew Loves trains, you give him a stack of toys to play with and he will automatically go for the trains. These are the objects of contention between Josh and Andrew. Those two boys love their trains.
His favorite foods are noodles and rice and unlike Josh he will rather eat candy rather than his green vegetables.
He wears a size 5 1/2 although his left foot seems unable to keep any shoes on.
He loves having his hair done in the mornings, especially for church. I always have to fight with Julia and Josh to let me do their hairs but Andrew willingly comes to me. He loves looking at himself in the mirror when I am done and he really loves for me to compliment him on his hair style, so vane!
He is already wearing size 24 months to 2t.
He is figuring out how to climb out of his crib, because have I mention that he is a climber. He is my first climber actually. Julia did Ok on climbing on things and Josh never dared, but Andrew is another story. He loves to climb on anything he can; He is a little dare devil.
He is finally going full time into nursery. Oh what a blessing that was. He loves to color and sing. I have caught him humming some tunes for the Wise man song and Twinkle little star song at home.
I snick by his classroom every so often and I just feel my heart melt when I see him sitting on a little chair with his arms folded just listening to the teacher. Now if he would just learn to do that at home we'll be all set.
I do believe his favorite thing to do in nursery is snack time, because when we take him over to his classroom the first he says is ud (food).
His only bad habit right now is the fact that he loves to stick things inside his left ear. Anything that he can find will go straight to his ear. Just the other day I looked at him and he had pen markings all over his ear hole.
His favorite time of the day is Bath time. He can stay in that tub the whole day if it was up to him but only if Josh is in there to play with him. They both usually come out with wrinkly toes and fingers.
His favorite thing to play with after trains is the fisher prize doll house in Julia’s room which makes Julia so mad because she is left with a big mess at the end of the day. He loves to grab the dad and the kids and just play with them for hours. He must have quite an imagination already.
He loves the camera, he will actually pose for me if I asked him too. I love it!
Now that our basement is finished he loves to go downstairs and turn or keyboard on and just dance to the pre-recorded songs in it. Yeap! He is a dancer.
That’s all about my boy; he is growing fast, way too fast. I can’t believe he is not the little baby who used to fit so nicely between my arms. I can barely hold him anymore.