I wanted to take my video camera everywhere to save all the sweet little moments or silly things they did throughout the day.
I knew that Julia and Joshua liked each other, but this summer I was able to understand the greater friendship and sibbling conncection that exists betweem them
They take care, love and play with each other. Josh always looks up to her sister for everything and i am so proud that Julia is such a great example for him.
I've also been able to discover new things about my kids this summer. Julia is a lot like Spencer in so many ways; She has a very mellow, sweet, lay back and shy personality, but little did i now she is just as adventurous as me.
While we were in Lagoon, she didn't hesitated once to go on any ride. She wanted to keep riding the Tidal Wave and putting her hands up while riding the Lady bug drop and other big rides. She even got sad when we told her that she was too litlle to ride on the roller coaster.
After each ride we would ask her if she had gotten scare and with a very confident face she replied every time: "not scary, it tickle my belly".
My sweet little boy was the same way. He went into every ride in the kiddy land and not one little pip came out of him. He would watch what Julia was doing at each ride and he would do the same thing.
He didn't fuss, cry or anything. I was so proud of him. When he got tired he fell asleep, and after his nap he woke up and was ready for more rides.
Most of the time I just wanted to step back and just watch the kids and Spencer have fun together. It melted my heart to see Spencer act so sweet and encouraging with the kids before each ride and also to see the great big smiles that eachof us had that entire day.
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